CPI Data Report was released Wednesday July 13th, 2022

Here are the main takeaways from todays CPI Data Report:
- 9.1% Highest since 1981
- The expectation was set to 8.8% (Rate was over what was expected)
- Inflation for the month of June rose 1.3% over May
- Fuel saw its first decrease since the start of 2022
- Analyst expect inflation has "peaked" in the month of June as oil prices have already began to drop
Overall was more than what was expected but the good thing to see was that Fuel saw its first decrease, we will see what happens in the next report.
Thank you all for tuning into the livestream this morning- If you missed it here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qbiO5iHNrY
July 14th, 2022 1 Hour before market opens I will be going live to cover the PPI report, make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel to get the notification when I'm going LIVE!
-Ricky Gutierrez